Saturday 22 March 2014


For each tissue or cell groups in multicellular organisms, cells express specific activity and phenotype, different from other tissues’ cells; despite all of them have the same genetic material. This differentiation happens due to epigenetic mechanism: a regulation of genes that controls which genes will be expressed and which will be ignored. Epigenetics enables identical twins, with identical genes, to have different traits and personalities (Williams, 2013).
                Epigenetics is composed by chemical flags and markers on genes that are copied with genes during the DNA replication. It can alter gene expression without altering the DNA sequence by blocking or activating a gene expression. Evidences show that the environment may alter the epigenetic regulation. Also, epigenetic modifications can confer phenotypic plasticity and in some cases heritability to offispring (Arinmondo, 2012).
                DNA methylation is one type of epigenetic regulation. The linking of methyl groups to certain nitrogenous bases impedes the gene expression. Another way to regulates genes is by histone modifications. Histones are proteins whereby DNA is enrolled around to compact (part of chromatin structure). The turning out of histones enables the DNA transcription (activating gene expression). Paola Arinmondo (2012) affirmed that other epigenetic modifications have been discovered and she cited nucleosome positioning and non-coding RNAs.
              Epigenetics is related to certain important phenomena of controlling gene expression. Imprinting and X-chromosome inactivation are among these phenomena. Imprinting occurs when one allele of certain gene is activated while another one is methylated in cases of gene expression by one single allele. X-chromosome inactivation is one interesting mechanism whereby women balance the quantity of gene expression in their genome by methylation of one of their X-chromosomes. As men have little gene expression in their Y-chromosome, women would have excessive gene expression if both their X-chromosomes were active. 
Biologists are interested in epigenetics researches due to the non-evident genetic causes of certain diseases. Abnormal epigenetic patterns are found in many diseases, including cancer. For example, the decrease in methylation could cause excessive or improper expression of genes such as those that express cell growth. Also, epigenetic errors could methylate tumor suppressor genes. According to Arinmondo (2012), there are chemical modifiers that can reverse epigenetic alterations and it could be a promise to therapeutic use. Some studies have focused in developing chromatin modifying agents as anticancer therapy. However, Williams (2013) argues that we do not have appropriate technology to read a person’s epigenome and it has still a long way to go.

Williams, S. C. P. February 26, 2013, ‘Epigenetics’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 110, no. 9, p. 3209.

Arimondo, P. B. November 2012, ‘Epigenetics’, Biochimie, vol. 94, issue 11, pp. 2191-2192


  1. Very interesting. You’ve done a good job explaining a difficult concept. You say that biologists are interested in epigenetics due to its importance in disease. What about genetic disorders? Could epigenetics be an influence here too?

    1. Yes. According to Simmons (2008), epigenetics influences some genetic disorders such as syndromes involving chromosomal instabilities. Some examples of syndromes are Fragile X syndrome, Angelman’s syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.
      REFERENCE: Simmons, D. (2008) Epigenetic influence and disease. Nature Education 1(1):6

  2. I am very interested in epigenetics, yet I'm still a beginner in my understanding. :-) When genetic research first came to public attention I remember people thought that we were only a few years away from finding the cures for all sorts of cancers, other diseases and disorders. It hasn't turned out to be that simple and I think epigenetics is one big reason for that. What do you think?

  3. Yes. That is true. There are some reasons why we still did not get complete understanding over genetics and cure to genetic diseases. Firstly, genetics is not so simple. Finding the genes that express certain phenotype or disease is complex. Many times grouping of genes interact with each other to express only a phenotype. Secondly, other phenomenons influence that expression such as epigenetic processes. The study over these processes is still limited. Then, we have still a long way to go.
